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Our Services

Concept Development
- Developing concepts according to the clients’ brief
- Concept creation based on current business trends and environment

Training Programmes
- Strategic Studying Techniques
- Entrepreneurship Training Programme
- Food Hygiene and Safety Training Programme

Franchise Development
- Complete Franchising Documentation
- Franchisee and Franchisor Relations
- Marketing and Selling of Franchise
- Sourcing of Franchise
- Managing Franchise Brands
- Franchising Inspection and Compliance

Business Re-engineering Process
- Review current market sentiments
- Determine the change process
- Execute change
- Workplace Re-design

Application of Essential Services
- SFA (Singapore Food Agency)
- NETS and Credit Card Payment Terminals
- Telco Services
- SP Services (Singapore Power)
- URA (Change of Use)
- BCA (Building Control Authority)
- SCDF (Fire Safety Certificate)
- LEW (Licenced Electrical Worker)
- Licenced Plumber

Procurement Function
- Suppliers Detail
- Competitive Pricing
- In-house Packing
- In-house Recipes
- Commercial Packaging