Thank you for visiting our corporate website and a very warm welcome to iFood Group of Companies.
Whether you are a potential customer, a job seeker, a business partner or an existing client of ours, we are certain we can value add to your needs. iFood is a registered Social Enterprise and our mission is to ensure fair employment for the ageing population. We are focused on not just achieving financial numbers but ensuring that we constantly contribute to Societal needs. While being profitable is important for every company, it must be an organisation’s responsibility to operate for the greater good of society. Only by doing so can we pride ourselves on not just being commercially viable but one that has a sustainable business model.
At iFood, our success is defined by the number of people we have been fortunate to assist and more importantly make them better off. A good number of our workforce is above the national retirement age and we are determined to push this number up. We are aware that our goal is not easily achievable but we hope to make a difference for our silver generation. We recognised that equal employment opportunities must be extended to everyone including the elderly, regardless of race or gender. Our group of companies offers a platform where every able-bodied individual, is offered an opportunity to be employed and be financially stable. We offer a business model where our seniors can feel included and age gracefully with dignity, without the need for handouts or charity.
It is our hope that more organisations can step forward, take the lead, create opportunities and make that commitment towards the greater good of society. Organisations need to recognise that government entities alone cannot be held solely responsible to look after the ageing population. We sincerely thank you for visiting our website and do contact us should you require any assistance or additional information.
Alvin Sabai
CEO, iFood Group of Companies